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Hitler, the KKK, and MAGA Nazis claim there's a global "Great Replacement" conspiracy to replace white people with inferior brown people

Trump uses Hitler's fascist propaganda lies, and says he'll ban legal immigrants because they're "horrible people" and "the worst of the worst."

Video #3 of 4

Christofascist MAGA Nazis say the quiet part out loud and reveal what they mean by “Make America Great Again.”

“The frailest woman will become a heroine when the life of her own child is at stake. And only the will to save the race and native land, which offers protection to the race, has in all ages been the urge which has forced men to face the weapons of their enemies.”

Adolf Hitler

White Purity, Eugenics Ideology, and Mass Murder

Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

The “Great Replacement” conspiracy: How the perceived ousting of Whites can evoke violent extremism

Sage Journals

How the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ has fueled racist violence


Factsheet: Great Replacement/White Genocide conspiracy theory

Georgetown University

A deadly ideology: how the ‘great replacement theory’ went mainstream

The Guardian

‘Replacement Theory,’ a racist, sexist doctrine, spreads in far-right circles

New York Times

Tucker Carlson’s “Great Replacement” theory comes from an anti-American Nazi

Foreign Policy in Focus

A former leader of the KKK celebrated Tucker Carlson 'finally' sharing the white-supremacist 'great replacement' conspiracy theory

Business Insider

Elon Musk promotes fascist “Great Replacement Theory” on X/Twitter


Where “replacement theory” comes from — and why it refuses to go away: The white supremacist conspiracy theory has a long history in the United States and abroad.


Replacement theory isn’t new – 3 things to know about how this once-fringe conspiracy has become more mainstream

The Conversation

The racist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory explained

Southern Poverty Law Center

How White Supremacy Returned to Mainstream Politics: This report provides a guide to identifying and calling out the white nationalist ideas that are infiltrating U.S. political discourse.

Center for American Progress

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Here are all 4 videos in order: