Jun 3Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

I did note, in the many times I've watched that film, how many top British stars had cameo roles in it, which, I think, was their way of supporting Gandhi and his ideals.

There's also an interesting evolution in the British...the first time Gandhi is in jail, the police warden yells, "Gandhi! I want Gandhi! Which Sammy is it?"

The last time the British jail Gandhi, for opposing Britain in World War II, the British Army officer politely asks, "Mr. Gandhi, sir, I am directed to enquire as to the subject of your speech tonight."

"The value of goat's milk in daily diet...but you can be sure that I will also speak against war!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but that can't be allowed." The officer then tells Mrs. Gandhi he has orders to take her back to the ashram. When she says she will speak in his place, he reluctantly arrests her too.

My point is that, over time, the British realize that it is time to leave India.

Lord Mountbatten makes that point in his arrival as the last Viceroy, saying he is here to "Crown victory with peace, and welcome India as an equal and independent member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. I hope that I am the last Viceroy to receive such a welcome." Which he did and which he was.

Trevor Howard has a great cameo as a judge who Gandhi forces to sentence the Mahatma to the longest term possible. Howard (Judge Broomfield) does so, but adds, "However, if that sentence could be shortened, no-one would be better pleased than I."

It reminded me of the white guys who supported the Civil Rights movement...and how the Jewish War Veterans were the only veterans' organization that did the March on Washington in 1963.

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Jun 6Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Oh lord the Hypocrisy and Blasphemy spewed by these liars is sick & Frightening.

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I remember when McCain and Romany support gender affirming surgery for trans-kids, but conservatives are so extreme these days.

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