Mar 18Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

Thank you for these remarkable images of the Biggest Asshole Who's Ever Lived (the BAWEL). They are inspired.

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Thanks! I'm glad you like them! 😊

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I’ve saved all these memes and will use them as frequently as I can! Thanks

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Beat me to it bitch

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Mar 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Reported you for malpractice, Doctor 🤪🤪🤪 KIMBER… your specialty is proctology isn’t it???

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Sorry you took the Maga madness. But this is a great block list for everyone to use!

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Thanks! No worries, I'm used to it by now.

I got interested in politics after 9/11. I lived in NY at the time, not far from the WTC. I needed to know why anyone would try to blow up my neighborhood. I knew "they hate us for our freedom" was just propaganda, and there had to be more to the story.

Ironically, back then I ran a pretty popular chat forum, where people discussed politics. The Republicans back then were bloodthirsty lunatics, demanding that Bush turn the entire Middle East into "glass" with nukes. They were all totally onboard with the Iraq war, and harassed me because I opposed it. They even sent me death threats.

Today these same psychotic Bush-loving Republicans are Trump-loving MAGA dumbfucks and pretend they never liked Bush and opposed the Iraq war.

But back then every single Republican supported Bush's invasion of Iraq. And now these deranged liars blame Biden for it. Unreal lol

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Honestly, you really handle them well. The ‘oh your the Concerned Troll’ and then his pathology was awesome. You were ready with links and all. I enjoyed watching you handle them while rolling your eyes at how insignificant they are… it’s an art.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Author

Lol thanks! I guess it comes with practice.

Once you've dealt with a lot of them, you realize they all follow the same scripts, so they become predictable, and you can just recycle the same old links to refute their same old Russian propaganda.

I dealt with a lot of them on Reddit, and my favorite part was when they all used specific phrases like "shitlibs" or "blue MAGA" or "both parties are wings of the same bird."

And they're always worried about the CIA.

MAGA dumbfucks see the FBI as their enemy, because it deals with domestic threats, like the Mafia and MAGA terrorists.

Russian trolls see the CIA as their enemy, because it deals with foreign threats, like Russian disinformation agents.

You might get a kick out of this:

Russian trolls offered to pay me $1000 per month if I stop talking about Russian trolls on my subreddits, and threatened to destroy me if I refuse the money


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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Oh my gosh, I read the whole thing including the comments.I’m appalled but not surprised. It was a targeted campaign to hurt you, get you cancelled and stop the flow of your information. That is some terrible violence, and the threats towards you were serious. I can’t believe Reddit didn’t do anything. I also followed your stack from that article. I screen shot your how to spot a troll too. Great work!!

Glad I found your Substack, Oliver

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

The money was incredible. You were smart to make it too much. Those bastards.

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The left can't meme, but they sure can project.

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Projecting your own crimes onto someone else is a uniquely Republican propaganda tactic, straight from Hitler's fascist propaganda playbook. Hitler always accused others of doing what he was doing. Trump does the same thing. And now that people called him out on it, you propaganda trolls try to accuse others of projection. Lol so bizarre.

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Seek help

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John, you lack any semblance of honor or brains.

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haha funny that’s what GOP sez bout Demoncrats.

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MAGA is a fascist cult. Fascists use lies as a weapon, to demonize minorities and incite hate and violence. It's right out of Hitler's propaganda playbook:


"Accusation in a mirror is a false claim that accuses the target of something that the perpetrator is doing or intends to do."

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

The right can’t read, so that works out just fine 💙💙💙

John says VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN #FvckTrump

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Yo mama should have aborted you.

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Yo mama jokes? Apparently you're not only a make-believe doctor, you're also a make-believe rocket scientist.

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Mar 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Hey azzhole, YOU don’t believe in abortion…

🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😆🤣😂🤣😂 MY GOODNESS, WHAT A RUDE DOCTOR YOU ARE… crappy bedside manner, huh???

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Have you noticed that every MAGA troll sounds like a 12 year old little asshole? I always wonder how many of them actually are teenage incels, and how many of them are low IQ adults who sound like children because their minds never fully developed.

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Mar 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Yes, they never matured past ‘I know you are but what am I’ in fifth grade, and ‘I’m rubber you’re glue’ would be another good one for these pieces of filth.

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Mar 21·edited May 23Author

Lol yeah, that's why they think Trump is a genius.

Trump is a dumb person's idea of a genius, because they're even dumber than he is, and he looks like a rocket scientist from their perspective.

Most Democrats make the mistake of not dumbing down their message to a childlike level for Republican audiences. When a Democrat talks, it sounds like incomprehensible gibberish to low IQ MAGA yokels, because it goes *woosh* right over their heads. Big words and long sentences make their eyes glaze over.

But when Trump talks like a third grader, he's talking to the yokels on their intellectual level, and they actually understand what he's saying, which makes them feel smart: "Democrats bad! Melania hot! Biden old! Murika #1!"

Hitler said his propaganda is always geared towards the dumbest of the dumb, because they don't know when they're being lied to. Trump is using Hitler's propaganda tactics. That's why he loves "the poorly educated."

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I thought your ilk were against abortion?

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Mar 18Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Love your takes. Your art is funny in this seriously unfunny American political environment. You nailed the Doofus

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Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like them! ❤️

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Jun 28Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

It is truly fascinating how those muscular, 6-pack ab-laden faux Trump memes always make his micro weenie package look hilariously large. Thanks to Stormy Daniels, we all know that he's packing nothing. Along with his stinking fecal incontinence, we all also know why Melanoma doesn't attend any of his events, or sleep with him. Just the idea of sex with Trump is vomitously repugnant. Puke-o-rama!

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Substack is a writer's forum,

Kindly take your propaganda back to X or where ever it is you came from.

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Why Holocaust survivors compare Trump to Hitler


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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I went thru all these fools on here and had them blocked already!! Not even from this post. They’re shit posting everywhere.

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I went to block and found I’d already blocked some of them. 🙄

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Put down the bottle, Donna.

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Mar 23Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy


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Mar 23Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

What a coward Scotty, take trumps d!ck out your mouth, I can’t hear what you’re saying either your mouth full.

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You do nothing but shit post.

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Mar 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

You’re not a real Doctor so we’re even, Comrade and again VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN, this Doctor says so…

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Says the shit poster herself.

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Mar 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Hey Sergei, are you having a stroke? Should I call an abulance?? Oh that’s right, you’re a Doctor 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. GFY and have a great day!!

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Mar 18Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I've had the opportunity to use a couple of them in twitter today and they are quite versatile in describing the badness that is Trump.

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Great! I’m glad they came in handy!

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Just confirming what we already know - the left cant meme. These are all cheesy and tacky.

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You're a MAGA troll and you don't like my anti-Trump memes? I'm shocked. SHOCKED!

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“calling those who disagree with you Nazis, etc” trolls. Sad. (haha!) look your lame-@ss memes get shared by people right of center, too.

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May 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Roast that pork!

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Wow, those pics are sooo gay!! The one in the middle is the worst, he’s enhanced everywhere 🤢

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Sep 11Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

They cry like babies. They're meme game is so very weak. Sack of dicks sent repeatedly, they lose their minds. There is nothing more fun in life. 3000 memes and growing. Basement Dwellers beware.

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Aug 7Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

So weird!

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Jul 31Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

This is so good, OMM. Downright brilliant and insightful. Then again, all your work is so good. Thanks for this!

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Thank you Margit! 🥰

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Happy to help! You did good.

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Jun 15Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Just like Hitler

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May 29Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Good for you thilly thavage.

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These are great! Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks! I'm glad you like them. :)

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Mar 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy


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Yay! Thank you! ❤️

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Lol the left can’t meme. They try to be funny but they only manage to be smug.

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