Apr 2Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

The Nazis weren’t leftist socialists as MAGA claims. Hitler used the term “socialist” to appeal to the lower classes. Even an encyclopedia will tell you that.

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Apr 18Liked by Introvert Comics, Oliver Markus Malloy

I would love to print this out and mail it around my neighborhood, I happen to live right next-door to a Trump flag now, excuse me a Nazi flag.

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Feel free to share it! I also made an easy link that leads to this page: www.Fascism.link

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I won the battle and the war this time! Flag hasn’t flows since the Wednesday after April 19, after I filed a counter-complaint about how he harassed me over the fence several times, beginning within my third week after buying. Then he began a series of late afternoon phone calls and inebriated texts, and I simply blocked him, never alerted Park Mgmt (Senior Mobile Park). He put up his Nazi Flag in early March, I complained to Mgmt by phone, and was later told Corporate Office (Caritas) allows all campaign flags and signs. UGH! So on one of the first nice afternoons in mid April, I was sitting out close to the 8’ high fence line between us, heard Martin the Nazi scuttling about, and knew he was peering at me! That’s when I begin saying “you know you’re a Nazi, you know Maga is Nazi, you know it’s for stupid people, you know Trump wants to be dictator, and turn America into Russia West. Maga is Nazi take down your stupid flag.” he complained to Park management. I got a compliance order on 19 April. So my first amendment rights were shut down because you can’t be rude to your neighbor through the fucking fence. That’s why I filed the counter complaint. And the flag was taken downimmediately and flown only twice more for a few hours the following Wednesday. I took some good advice from an old boss. You told me pick your battles. I never would’ve believed. I would’ve won this one though. These people are nasty Nazis.

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Nobody is clicking on your links, Sergey. You're posting your pointless propaganda into the void.

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Jul 3Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

To really understand what's happening in America, read Rachel Maddow's book "Prequel". The whole fascist movement in the US started in the 1930's after Hitler came to power. Fortunately, it did not succeed in the US then. Since then, the fascist movement has gained traction until their perfect Führer, Hitler 2.0, Donald J. Trump, came down the gilded escalator in 2015. This movement has morphed into a juggernaut, peopled by right-wing extremists in government, federal and state, and now a fascist Supreme Court. I believe only Biden can stop this malignancy from killing America. Vote blue, America. The free world is counting on you!

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Jun 22Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I couldn’t bring myself to watch any of those videos through to the end. I’m disgusted, nauseated and scared as hell. Scared, not so much for myself as I am for my children and grandchildren.

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Jun 26Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

All those flags do not represent Patriotism. It’s a sign of insecurity and fear of being found out. Wrapping one’s self in the Flag is the last refuge of a scoundrel. There are ways to respect the flag. Trump just doesn’t know or care.

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May 31Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

God I hate seeing traitors wrap themselves in our flag.

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May 31Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Maybe someone should tell him how it ended for Hitler..

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Jul 3Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Yes, but not before millions of innocent people died and he put the world into turmoil...

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Jul 3Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Right 😞

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His bone spurs will save him.

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Aug 12Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

What many American Jews and many Israelis don’t seem to understand or recognize is that Christian nationalism and the mimicking of Nazi propaganda by Trump and the MAGA movement is never good for Jews and won’t be good for Israel either. Trump’s support for Jews and Israel has never been on a gut level or emotional level. It, like everything else he has done has been on a transactional level. He will turn against them both on a dime if circumstances dictate. Remember how he chastised Netanyahu (who I also despise)for the audacity of congratulating Biden on his victory? I am sad to see all the support Trump is receiving in the Jewish community without considering the potential danger of his victory. I say this as a Jew and a strong supporter of Israel.

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May 29Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

This piece was horrifying! But sadly so true! But I have to say, the very last picture was a horrible example of AI!! My personal opinion is that American has been “dumbed” down! It’s just a matter of time, before we see the extent of this decline! There is no reasoning with these people! Maybe we need some of their Christian divine intervention to stop this perversion/pervasive movement in its’ tracks?? Here’s to hoping.

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Sep 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy


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Aug 13Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

We need to start a campaign of:

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone-

Jesus against Trump

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Apr 25Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

…huh ?! …”holocaust survivors” only ?! …if only them WE ARE FUCKED, there’s only few of them left, does that means nobody else see this ? …our country is really fucking STUPID !!

…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator

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You can even be Jewish and be a Nazi.

Here's a Holocaust survivor talking about the Jewish Nazis in Israel. 😮

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Sep 17Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

“Gott mit uns” (God is with us) was inscribed around the deaths-head icon on the belt-buckle of the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front of WWII. Extrapolate.

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Aug 14Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy


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This is SO true. Why aren’t people paying attention?

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Dude you need to learn how to write this is just quotes and pictures slammed together without any sense of... anything.

0/10 see me after class.

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Mar 17·edited May 14Author

Too bad that the information in this post still went woosh over your head, even though I dumbed it down for MAGA yokels as much as I could.

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If anyone wants a serious deep dive into fascism, start with this classic by Umberto Eco:


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